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EzDeDupe Screen Shots Leak

As many people know, we have been hard at work developing a new product called EzDeDupe. EDD as we like to call it internally will be a generic database/datasource deduplication tool. Here are some early screenshots cohersed from dev :)

Loading data sources, supported are XLS, MDB, CSV and UDL database connectors (UDL is the grown up version of ODBC and everything ODBCable is automatically UDLable.)

Through UDL Oracle, SQL, Informix, DB2 etc are all available as standard connections.

This screen shot shows a couple of key EDD features, the data sources being mappped into the main database and colour coded for visual reference. Also shown at the bottom is the pop up window with the column data checking routines build in.

EDD allows for an unlimited number of data sources to be mapped to the common database and then deduped as a group.
You can use any field in the table as deduplication criteria.

After selecting deduplication criteria and data matching algorithms to use, EzDeDupe will display a list of the found duplicates. The color coding helps you to know what data source they originated in.
From here EDD will present a variety of different merge operations to consolidate the data.
Beta program will definetly start in Q1 2008 and will be 100% free!
Stay tuned for more information.

posted by Mark Esdale @ 4:26 PM,