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No More Missing Leading Zeros in New England Zip Codes

Since DemandTools allows you to use excel files as input in MassEffect, you never have to lose a leading zero for New England zip codes again. By formatting the zip code column in your spreadsheet as "Text" you will retain the leading zero. Now the field will be read as a straight text field and the data will be entered as is (vs. being interpreted as a number which will strip the leading zero). 

Already have records in Salesforce that are missing the leading zero? Use the pre-built scenario in DemandTools which allows you to easily correct any New England zip codes with missing leading zeros. 

For Example:  
ZipCodeClean(StringValue):  Takes a zipcode, strips out all non-numeric characters, then checks to see if it is less than 5 digits, and if so, adds a leading zero to it.  The primary purpose is to fix zip codes where the leading zero was truncated on import.

Example:   ZipCodeClean({billingpostalcode}), input: 2043, result: 02043

Note:  This is JUST for US zip codes, will cause unwanted results for Canadian and international zips codes.  To find US zip code that are missing the leading zero, you could use conditions where the states equal the New England states that typically have a leading zero, and then add another condition where the zip code does not start with "0".

posted by A Miller @ 1:52 PM,

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