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An easy way to identify Accounts with no Opportunities!

In Salesforce it’s easy to find Accounts that have Opportunities, but there is not a good way to find Accounts WITHOUT Opportunities. Using MassImpact and "Object Count" this is very easy to do:
  1. Create a custom field in Salesforce to track the number of Opportunities on an Account (e.g. Opp_count)
  2. Use the MassImpact "Object Count" feature in the Set Value step to add up the Opportunities in an Account and populate this value in the custom field on the Account record
  3. Use MassEffect export function to export the Accounts where the Opp_count equals "0"
NOTE: This process can be repeated for ANY sub-object on the Account table (or any other table for that matter)! Since this count is static (will not automatically increment the count whenever a new Opportunity is created), you can also add another custom (date) field Opp_count_lastupdated, and set this to the current date (using our custom formula "today()") to track the last time this value was updated. Save your scenario and then run on a regular basis to keep this field up-to-date.

posted by A Miller @ 10:31 AM,

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