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Upgrade to the latest versions of DemandTools and DupeBlocker

We are pleased to announce the release of the newest versions of both DemandTools and DupeBlocker. 

The highlights of this new DemandTools version include enhancement of the MassEffect module with new 'upsert' capabilities, faster processing, a report edit module (beta) , as well as a redesigned DemandTools Today home page. Complete release notes on the latest release can be found here, and download the latest release of DemandTools here

Register for limited time webinars covering the new features of DemandTools on : 

Thursday December 5,  2013 

Wednesday December 18,  2013

The latest version of DupeBlocker is also now available on the AppExchange, download it and get the latest features including de-duplication across all objects (Opportunities & Custom Objects), completely redesigned user interface, and much more! Release notes for the new DupeBlocker version can be found here. Documentation regarding upgrading from the current version to the new DupeBlocker can be found here.

Register for limited time upgrade session on DupeBlocker 3 on:

Friday December 6,  2013 

Thursday December 19,  2013

posted by A Miller @ 2:13 PM,

DemandTools Tips & Tricks - Reassign Ownership to just update Contact Owners to match the Account Owner

Sometimes ownership of sub objects gets broken, and no longer matches the Account owner. It's a simple fix using DemandTools and the Reassign Ownership Module,  easily update the sub objects - whether that is Contacts only or Contacts, Opportunities etc to match the Account Owner. 

In Reassign Ownership use the "Current Owner (selected sub-objects will now match parent objects ownership)" option.

Screen #1 - Objects to Reassign:

1. Select Account as the Object to Reassign.
2. Leave where clause as "Use all".
3. Pick fields to show for confirmation.

Screen #2 - Final Reassignment Options:

1. Select the "Current Owner (selected sub-objects will now match parent objects ownership)" radio button.
2. On the bottom of the Screen, check the "Use" box next to Contacts (should already be checked) and click where it says "Match Parent Owner" and change to "All Records".

By default, Open Opportunities, Open Tasks and Future Events are also checked. These can be unchecked if just the Contacts should be reassigned. If these sub-objects should be changed also, make sure "All Records" is selected for these also.

Now find your matches and process.

Here is link to our Help Documentation on this option:


1. If the Account is owned by an inactive owner the Contacts WILL not be reassigned (cannot update owners in Salesforce to an inactive owner).
2. If the Contact is ALREADY assigned to the Account Owner, no changes will be made (will not "update" to the same owner and hence the "Last Modified" information will not be changed).
3. A restore file will be generated with the previous Contact Owners, therefore, the old ownership can be restored if required.

posted by A Miller @ 11:01 AM,

No More Missing Leading Zeros in New England Zip Codes

Since DemandTools allows you to use excel files as input in MassEffect, you never have to lose a leading zero for New England zip codes again. By formatting the zip code column in your spreadsheet as "Text" you will retain the leading zero. Now the field will be read as a straight text field and the data will be entered as is (vs. being interpreted as a number which will strip the leading zero). 

Already have records in Salesforce that are missing the leading zero? Use the pre-built scenario in DemandTools which allows you to easily correct any New England zip codes with missing leading zeros. 

For Example:  
ZipCodeClean(StringValue):  Takes a zipcode, strips out all non-numeric characters, then checks to see if it is less than 5 digits, and if so, adds a leading zero to it.  The primary purpose is to fix zip codes where the leading zero was truncated on import.

Example:   ZipCodeClean({billingpostalcode}), input: 2043, result: 02043

Note:  This is JUST for US zip codes, will cause unwanted results for Canadian and international zips codes.  To find US zip code that are missing the leading zero, you could use conditions where the states equal the New England states that typically have a leading zero, and then add another condition where the zip code does not start with "0".

posted by A Miller @ 1:52 PM,

Webinar - Sneak Peek at DupeBlocker 3

Join us for a sneak peek at the new DupeBlocker 3 on Tuesday, July 30th at 1 to 2pm PDT/ 4 to 5pm EDT. This informative webinar will highlight the new features and functionality of DupeBlocker 3. Register here.

This informational webinar is designed for existing DupeBlocker 2 customers as the focus will be on the NEW features. If you are looking for a public training course on DupeBlocker, please refer to the DupeBlocker Today page here.

Building on the success and technology of DupeBlocker 2, this newest version takes real-time de duplication a step further allowing for new features such as Dual Filters, ALL object de duplication, new Merge/Convert screens and much, much more. 

posted by A Miller @ 3:15 PM,

CRMfusion is proud to introduce DupeBlocker 3 BETA

Please join us in being one of the first to beta DupeBlocker 3. DupeBlocker 3 is new and improved and builds on the great features and technology foundation of DupeBlocker 2. As in previous versions, DupeBlocker 3 allows you to implement quickly, right out of the box, as well as customize to your specific business needs.

Highlights in this new release include:

And so much more! For a full list of features please see the release notes.

Below is the link to install the customer beta. Since this is a beta release we highly recommend you ONLY install and test this version in a Salesforce Sandbox.  Existing DupeBlocker 2 installations can be easily upgraded to DupeBlocker 3 so you will not have to start over to begin testing!  Be sure to rebuild the DupeBlocker 3 keys AFTER the upgrade.

posted by A Miller @ 2:22 PM,