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Get ready for MassChange 1.8

If you are a DemandTools user and make use of MassChange you'll be very happy with the new MassChange that will be available when the Winter '07 release of Salesforce is rolled out.

Because we now have table joins in salesforce your going to see some significant changes to MassChange that make use of this new functionality:

You'll see:

Here are a few samples of what you will be able to do:

If you have any other enhancements that you would like to see in MassChange just email Features [at] CRMfusion [dot] com

posted by Glenn Wilson @ 11:57 AM,

Vote to get access to reports in the API

Visit the link and make sure you vote to get access to salesforce reports via the API. If this is added to salesforce you would have automatic access to you reports (delete, rename, etc) via MassEffect and MassChange.

This would also permit us to create a "Report Managment" tool within the DemandTools to help customers with hundreds of reports to better manage and control them.

Make sure you have as many people in your organization vote for this feature.

posted by Glenn Wilson @ 11:57 AM,

Excel - How to split a Full name into First and Last

So you are staring at some excel data you want to bring into and all you have is a single field with first and last name in one. Salesforce wont import it that way (and split it that is) so what to do. Split it Excel here is the formula for the first name split and the last name split:

First: =LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2)-1)
Last : =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2) - FIND(" ",A2))

Assuming cell: A2 has your full name in it: Voila ... Anyone seen anything better? Steve? I know you must!!


posted by Mark Esdale @ 7:15 PM,