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Too long ....

Wow ... now with 4 different blog sites or so ( between this one, and DemandTools today, PeopleImport today, DupeBlocker today) this blog is long overdue for a new post.

Of couse major things have happened since last posting.

DupeBlocker fully released on the AppExchange, both a Record Type and non-Record type version for UE, EE and DE Orgs. PE should be before christmas (fingers crossed)

DemandTools has a new beta (available from the home page (soon to be a new prod version)) features the new Reassign Ownership module and the new (really fancy!) multi-table cababilities in the single table deduper.

EzDeDupe is launched and ready for evaluation at

PeopleImport is "in the shop" for some tweaks before Dreamforce. On that subject CRMfusion is a gold sponsor and in Booth #624.

Happy Autumn everyone.

The CRMfusion team.

posted by Mark Esdale @ 8:45 PM,

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